Internet Marketing
The Internet has
fundamentally changed the way we do business with our customers. As
such, 21st Century music promotion requires a balance of
e-technology with the art of persuasion. With the advent of the
Internet, we must alter the way we communicate with our audiences.
It is imperative that organizations take advantage of
state-of-the-art enterprise applications in reaching this new
generation of citizens. An effective Web presence is a critical
component to an organization’s market strategy.
Using years of Web experience; the latest best-practice approaches;
a responsive support system; and a documented database; the
potential for market share is optimized. Our data base have
thousands of permission-based email addresses, thus providing direct
access into the communication devices of this targeted audience
through the use of automated and coordinated email campaigns.
As in the branding of any product or organization, image,
consistency, and quality is paramount in increasing market shares. A
uniform, well-planned and streamlined e-marketing process will yield
a higher return on your investment.
We provide affordable rates. Our basic package begins as low as $350
for the initial set-up and 1st email blast; subsequent email
campaigns begin at $150 per blast. Contact us for more details.
•Permission-based email lists
•Eye-catching HTML email newsletters
•Announcements, promotions & ongoing relationships